Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Afghanistan Business Database

Afghanistan Business Database

The economy of Afghanistan has improved significantly since 2002 due to the infusion of billions of dollars in international assistance and investments, as well as remittances from Afghan expats. The recent improvement is also due to dramatic improvements in agricultural production and the end of a four-year drought in most of the country.

From Afghanistan Business Database The economy of Afghanistan has improved significantly since 2002 due to the infusion of billions of US dollars in international assistance and investments, as well as remittances from expats. It is also due to dramatic improvements in agricultural production and the end of a four-year drought in most of the country. However, Afghanistan still remains one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world that is highly dependent on foreign aid. As of 2009, the nation’s GDP is $14 billion and the GDP per capita is $1,000.

Afghanistan Business Database helps you focus and schedule your efforts in Afghanistan. You can identify the most profitable segments of your market. Afghanistan Business Database help You concentrate resources on customers and prospects whose profiles are similar to your most profitable customers. You can schedule activities to contact customers regularly and at the right times. Afghanistan Business Database comes with business category as well.

Afghanistan Business Database sample file is available as well below:

Afghanistan Business Database

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